3.00kg Temprano Early PRG
2.00kg Arelio Int PRG
2.00kg Nifty Int PRG
2.50kg Kendal Late PRG
3.00kg LiHerald Meadow Fescue
1.50kg Lischka Timothy
Pack Size: 14kg
- All diploid varieties ensure uniform leaf conditioning and drying
- Reliable, bulky and high yielding hay crops
- Inclusion of Timothy improves palatability and visual appearance
- Very good all round disease resistance helps to produce a clean, dust free hay
- Produces a softer hay than GFS Premier Haylage mixture
- Good sward density ensures out of season grazing production, an early hard graze will improve hay quality
- No clover and herbs ensure ease of weed control if required
- Suitable for most soil types and field conditions
- A very resilient and durable mixture