The original general purpose grass seed mixture

2.50kg Early Perennial Ryegrass
2.50kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.75kg Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.50kg Timothy
2.50kg Cocksfoot
1.25kg Red Clover Blend
0.50kg Medium Leaved White Clover
0.50kg Wild White Clover
Pack size: 14kg


Sowing Rate 14


  • Developed in the 1900’s at Cockle Park, demonstrating the importance of white clover in pastures
  • Traditional general purpose seed mixture suitable for extensive production of hay, silage or grazing
  • Simple type of mixture using a robust range of grass and legume species
  • For use on a wide range of soil types and elevations
  • Demonstrates the unique compatibility and benefits of the species included when sown together
  • Significant tap roots break up hard pans and provide drought tolerance
  • Very productive late into the summer especially in drought conditions
  • Cocksfoot benefits from frequent grazing, also recovering rapidly after defoliation